Saturday, April 4, 2009


Why sitting hurts your back??

Where are you right now? Lounging on an overstuffed couch with the newspaper and a cup of coffee? Sitting on a kitchen chair taking in the news online? Well, here's some news you should sit down for. (Or maybe you should stand.) Your chair is slowly killing you.

Most of the people feel pain but many don't think why shitting hurts your back, some might think and change the chair, some try to spend as much as money to get most comfortable and ergomically designed chair to get releif of pain. which might able to keep themseld busy at work.BUT BUT everyone should stop for a while and think?????

Actually It's not really a chair's fault. The problem is that most of us sit wrong—slouched forward with our earlobes in front of our shoulders—and for hours without moving, as you can see here. The result?

Avoidable chair-related ailments, including flabby butts, an increased risk of blood clots, and back pain.

"Sitting all day is the worst thing in the world you can do for your back, " Sitting puts nearly twice the stress on the spine as standing; slouching while you sit increases the pressure even more. That's because hunching forward pushes the back into a convex or C shape.This shape while slouching fatigues and overstretches the ligaments, causing back pain.
To make matters worse, we stay in this bad C position for hours, barely moving, even when nature calls.

Now at this situation , movement is key because the discs in our vertebrae are important shock absorbers.When individuals are locked at one position, the discs are starving.
Sitting also tightens and shortens the psoas—the strong hip flexor—which can affect how the pelvis rotates and increase the load on the low back.


  1. This isnot disease and has not been approved in medical fraternity.Yet it is well adopted among physiotherapist and chiropractis.thanks for your information

  2. oh nice job ! quite informative! it helps me as i sm student working long hours in chair...
